고막보청기 착용 시 꽉찬적합을 통한 폐쇄효과의 해결: 사례 보고 |
이소예1, 이경원2 |
1씨티보청기 2한림국제대학원대학교 청각학과 |
Solutions of Occlusion Effect by Tight Fit for CIC Hearing Aid: Case Report |
Soye Lee1, Kyoung Won Lee2 |
1CT Hearing Aid Center, Busan, Korea 2Department of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies, Seoul, Korea |
Correspondence |
Kyoung Won Lee ,Tel: (02) 2051-4951, Fax: (02) 3453-6618, Email: leekw@hallym.ac.kr
Received: November 8, 2010; Revised: November 27, 2010 Accepted: December 10, 2010. Published online: December 31, 2010. |
Occlusion effect (OE) is mainly caused by increasing low frequency gain at the ear drum. It can be controlled by modifying the vent
length of hearing aids. Small venting is caused by the size of ear canal such as CIC hearing aids. It is known to hard to control OE in
this case. However, it is suggested that a tight fit of the bony portion in the ear canal can reduce OE. The management of OE in CIC
hearing aids through a tight fit is discussed in this article. |
Key Words:
Completely-in-the-canal (CIC)·Hearing aid fitting·Occlusion effect·Tight fit·Vent. |
고막보청기· 꽉찬적합· 보청기적합· 폐쇄효과
· 환기구. |