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Instructions for Authors > For Authors > Instructions for Authors

Thank you for choosing Audiology and Speech Research. Please take your time to read and follow the instruction. More information, https://www.e-asr.org.

1. About the Journal

Audiology and Speech Research is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing high-quality and original research. All manuscripts are required to provide novel and updating issues pertinent to the journal’s aim and scope.

2. Types of Manuscripts

The journal accepts the following manuscript types; review paper, research paper, and clinical case. We accept brief communication and letter to editor, too.

1) Review paper: These articles deal with comprehensive analyses of specific topics in the fields covered by the Journal.
2) Research paper: These articles present novel and unique findings or concepts through a survey, experiments or clinical investigation on the fields covered by the Journal.
3) Clinical case: These articles present unique cases or introduce novel therapeutic methods.
4) Brief communication: They should be short research articles intended to present interesting or exciting finding/issue that will have a major impact in audiology and speech research.
5) Letter to the Editor: This letter includes new opinion and/or concerns about the articles which were published in ASR.

3. Paper Formats

In general, each type of manuscript has its layouts below:

1) Review paper and Brief communication: Title page including authors’ information, abstract, keywords, introduction, subdivisions, conclusions, ethical statement, acknowledgments, funding, references, table and figure legends.
2) Research paper: Title page including authors’ information, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussions, ethical statement, acknowledgments, funding, references, table and figure legends.
3) Clinical case: Title page including authors’ information, abstract, keywords, introduction, case report, discussions, ethical statement, acknowledgments, funding, references, table and figure legends.

Also, they follow some specific formats below:

1) Title
Title in English should be informative and specific, not to exceed 20 words.

2) Abstract
Abstract in English shall be within 250 words and classified into purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.

3) Key words
Minimum 3 to maximum 5 key words shall be included in principles.

4) Main body
(1) Make sure to use Korean or English in principles, but if there is a possibility of confusion, it is available to use Chinese characters and include original language in ( ) next to Korean. Usage of abbreviation of English shall be minimized. When using it for the first time, make sure to use the full words and insert abbreviation in the parenthesis. There is no spacing in Korea + (English), but there is spacing in English + (English).
- Example 1: Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

(2) When inserting quoted phrases in the body, everything including the words and punctuation need to be identical with the phrases in the original paper, and following regulations shall be followed depending on the length of quoted parts.
Quoted phrases in the body (in-text) shall be in alphabetical order of the last name of author.

A) If directly quoting: Make sure to add quotation mark (" ") and indicate the source of quote (author and issuing date).
- Example 1: According to Hong (2003) "..."
- Example 2: According to one previous study, "...." (Hong, 2003)

B) If indirectly quoting: Make sure to indicate "author" and "year" as follows but also add the indication of year in parenthesis.
- Example 1: As for this theory, Smith (1975)....
- Example 2: According to the recent research (Boone, 1995; Hong, 1990)..

C) In case of multiple authors,
<Make sure to indicate up to 2 authors>
Example 1. According to Hodson & Paden (1995), ...
Example 2. According to one previous study (Hodson & Paden, 2003), ...

<If there are more than 3 authors, make sure to indicate 1 author such as "Kim et al.">
- Example 1: Boone et al. (1995)...
- Example 2: According to one previous study (Boone et al., 1995)...

<Add the parenthesis in the year and do not add comma in front of "&">

(3) Statistical symbols are used with fonts and spacing as follows.
- Values of p, t must be italic. However, F, M, N, and SD are no print.
- Make sure to have one spacing between symbols
(example: p < 0.001, F(1,129) = 2.71, t = 4.52).

(4) Unit of measured value is applied with International System of Units (SI) in meter (JAMA 1986;255:2329-2339), while using temperature in Celsius degree. Make sure to have space between numbers and units but put % and °C next to numbers without spacing.

(5) Equation
A) Equation shall be indicated with number in the right end of equation as shown in [1] and [2] and inserted to the main body without separately submitting.
- Example 1: Ai= (SNRi+K)/D,         [1]
B) If stating the equation in the body, make sure to indicate Eq. meanign the equation and equation number in order.
- Example 1: Eq [1] is as follows...

(6) Figure and Table
Figure and table shall be in English and provided with series of numbers. Title and explanation of table shall be located on the left side of table, and title and explanation of figure shall be suggested at the bottom center in the figure. Abbreviations used for the figure and table shall be explained.

5) Statements

(1) Acknowledgments
If necessary, an acknowledgments section could be provided. For example, The authors thank the cochlear implant users and their fami-lies for participating in this research. The authors also thank two anon-ymous reviewers for helpful comments.

(2) Ethical Statement
Ethical statement should be followed after main body of the manuscript. We suggest followed example: All participants singed an informed consent form before conducting the experiments. The protocol of this study has been approved by OOOOOO (IRB approval number ####-####).

(3) Declaration of Conflicting Interests
All authors provide the declaration of conflict interests such as There are no conflict interests.

(4) Funding
If having funding source, the authors may provide name of funding agency and its number at the end of manuscript. We suggest an example as This work was supported by OOOOOO (Funding number #######).

(5) Author Contributions
The contributions of all authors must be described. Examples of the authors’ contributions are as follows:
Data curation:
Formal analysis:
Funding acquisition:
Project administration:
Writing—original draft:
Writing—review & editing:
Approval of final manuscript: all authors.

6) Reference

(1) Follow APA (American Psychological Association) format in principles.
(2) Make sure to indicate reference only if it is quoted, and not to have more than 40 references.
(3) Make sure to indicate domestic and foreign publications with author name and academic journal name in English in principles. Indicate the main author's last name in alphabetical order.
(4) If there are two authors in the reference, make sure to separate them with "&" without comma for two authors.
(5) Make sure to indicate up to 6 authors in the reference. If there are 7 authors, make sure to indicate up to 6 authors and add "et al.' Separate authors with comma.
(6) Make sure to have the first letter of title in the quoted paper as capital and add colon if there is sub-title to indicate the first letter as capital. Indicate period in the end of title and end with period for the last reference.
(7) Format for indication of reference shall follow the below. In case of paper in Korea, make sure to indicate reference in English.
A) Periodical journal: Author name (.) year (.) title (.) academic journal name (italic)(,) volume (edition)(italic), starting page - ending page (.)

<Two authors in paper>
- Jin, I. K. & Lee, J. H. (2010). Effects of talker variability on speech recognition of normal-hearing listeners for Korean speech audiometry. Audiology, 6(1), 19-24.

<More than 3 authors or 6 authors in paper>
- Kaf, W. A., Sabo, D. L., Durrant, J. D., & Rubinstein, E. (2006). Reliability of electric response audiometry using 80 Hz auditory steady-state responses. International Journal of Audiology, 45(8), 477-486.

<More than 7 authors in paper>
- Blamey, P., Arndt, P., Bergeron, F., Bredberg, G., Brimacombe, J., Facer, G., et al. (1996). Factors affecting auditory performance of postlinguistically deaf adults using cochlear implants. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, 1(5), 293-306.

B) Dissertation: Author name (.) year (.) dissertation title (degree name) location (:) school name (.)
- Son, H. J. (2003). A study on the factors that affect on the social and emotional development of the hearing handicapped students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Gyeongsan: Daegu Catholic University.

C) Book: Author name (.) issue year (.) book name (italic)(.) (edition)(,) (pp.00-00)(.) issuing place (:) publisher (.)
- Dillon, H. (2012). Hearing Aids. 2nd Ed., pp.145-169. New York, NY: Thieme.
- Yacullo, W. S. (2009). Clinical masking. In Katz, J., Medwetsky, L., Burkard, R., & Hood, L. (6th ed.). Handbook of Clinical Audiology (pp. 80-115). Baltimore, MA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

D) Academic competition: Author name(.) year(.) academic competition name(:) presentation title (italic)(.) city(,) state(:) publisher(.)
- Ku, H. L. & Kim, J. S. (2010). Proceedings from 13th Korean Academy of Audiology conference: A preliminary study for development of the Korean evaluation scale for hearing handicap. Gwangju, Chunnam: Nambu University.

E) Electronic document: Author name (.) year (,) and date (.) paper title (.) site name (.) side address (full address)
- Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com

4. Organization of paper

- In case of research and case studies, make sure to follow the example of paper, and review paper, free format is allowed.
- Other regulations for submission shall refer to recently published papers in Audiology and Speech Research.

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