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Audiol > Volume 9(2); 2013 > Article
Audiology 2013;9(2): 157-164.
Published online: December 31, 2013.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2013.9.2.157
고막보청기의 골부 길이에 따른 폐쇄효과의 음향적 그리고 심리음향적 변화
이수현, 이경원
한림국제대학원대학교 청각학과
The Acoustic and Psychoacoustic Changes of Occlusion Effect as a Function of Bony Part Length in CIC Hearing Aid
Soo Hyun Lee, Kyoung Won Lee
Department of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Kyoung Won Lee ,Tel: (02)2051-4951, Fax: (02)3453-6618, Email: leekw@hallym.ac.kr
Received: October 30, 2013; Revised: November 26, 2013   Accepted: December 10, 2013.  Published online: December 31, 2013.
Authors tried to find out acoustic and psychoacoustic changes of occlusion effects (OEs) in completely-in-the canal (CIC) hearing aid with 0.8 mm vent as a function of with/without vent and bony part lengths (BLs). 28 adults with normal hearing (mean ages; 24.4 years) were participated as subjects. OEs were measured by real-ear insertion gain (REIG) with CIC hearing aid when producing a vowel 'ee'. Also self questionnaires were measured. The findings were as follows; first, there were no significant differences between with and without vent. Second, when BL was increased, REIG was decreased in 800, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 Hz. Third, when BL was increased 2 to 8 mm, psychoacoustic OE was decreased. For improving OE in CIC hearing aid with 0.8 mm, BL should be over 6 mm in averages.
Key Words: Occlusion effect, Vent, Real-ear insertion gain (REIG), Completely-in-the canal (CIC) hearing aid, Bony part length, Hearing aid
중심단어: 폐쇄효과, 환기구, 실이삽입이득, 고막보청기, 골부길이, 보청기
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