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Audiol > Volume 9(2); 2013 > Article
Audiology 2013;9(2): 190-194.
Published online: December 31, 2013.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2013.9.2.190
보청기 착용 노인의 청능훈련 사례
조윤영1,2, 방정화1, 이재희1
1한림국제대학원대학교 청각학과
2히어링메딕스 황혜경 보청기 난청센터
Case Study of Auditory Training for an Elderly Hearing Aid User
Yun Young Jo1,2, Junghwa Bahng1, Jae Hee Lee1
1Department of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies, Seoul, Korea
2HHK Hearing Care Center of Hearing Medics, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Jae Hee Lee ,Tel: (02)2051-4952, Fax: (02)3451-6618, Email: leejaehee@hallym.ac.kr
Received: October 30, 2013; Revised: December 5, 2013   Accepted: December 10, 2013.  Published online: December 31, 2013.
Auditory training is known as effective to enhance communication and listening strategy, especially when old listeners need to understand low-redundancy speech in noisy environment. In this study, 70-year-old man who has used a hearing aid for five years participated in 8-week auditory training program. The training program has focused on recognition of time-compressed sentences and sentences in noise. To examine whether the participant received benefit from training, we evaluated the listener’s speech recognition ability as well as subjective responses from the SADL (Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life) and IOI-HA (International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids) questionnaires. The results showed that performances in time-compressed sentences and sentences in noise were increased after 8-week auditory training. The training benefit was the greatest in more difficult conditions compared to relatively easier conditions. The participant’s subjective responses of SADL and IOI-HA questionnaires also revealed higher satisfaction with hearing aid after auditory training. In conclusion, 8-week auditory training is likely to be beneficial to hearing aid users to understand communication in difficult condition, which may lead to improve subjective satisfaction with hearing aid.
Key Words: Auditory training, Auditory rehabilitation, Hearing aid
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