한국어 유의미 단음절의 초·중·종성 주파수 분석 연구 |
김진숙1, 신은영2, 조은빛3 |
1한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부, 청각언어연구소 2세한대학교 언어치료청각학과 3한림대학교 일반대학원언어청각학과 |
A Study on Initial ․ Middle ․ Final Phoneme Frequency
Analyses of the Korean Meaningful Monosyllabic Words |
Jin Sook Kim1, Eun Yeong Shin2, Eun Bith Cho3 |
1Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Research Institute of Audiology and Speech Pathology, College of Natural Sciences, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea 2Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Sehan University, Chonnam, Korea 3Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Graduate School, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
Correspondence |
Jin Sook Kim ,Tel: (033)248-2213, Fax: (033)256-342, Email:
Received: October 31, 2013; Revised: November 21, 2013 Accepted: November 28, 2013. Published online: December 31, 2013. |
The purpose of this study was to analyse the frequency characteristics of 583 Korean meaningful monosyllabic
words by their initial·middle·final phonemes to understand speech recognition ability based on hearing configuration
more accurately. Normal hearing 20 Korean young adults(10 males and 10 females) produced 583 words in context
situations. Data were collected by using Computerized Speech Lab(CSL 4300B) and analyzed by using Pratt 4.3.14.
According to 19 initial consonants, /ㄱ/, /ㄴ/, /ㄷ/, /ㄹ/, /ㅁ/, /ㅂ/, /ㅅ/, /ㅇ/, /ㅈ/, /ㅊ/, /ㅋ/, /ㅌ/, /ㅍ/, /ㅎ/, /ㄲ/, /
ㄸ/, /ㅃ/, /ㅆ/, /ㅉ/, 18 middle vowels, /ㅏ/, /ㅐ/, /ㅑ/, /ㅓ/, /ㅔ/, /ㅕ/, /ㅖ/, /ㅗ/, /ㅘ/, /ㅙ/, /ㅚ/, /ㅛ/, /ㅜ/, /ㅝ/, /ㅟ
/, /ㅠ/, /ㅡ/, /ㅣ/, 7 and no final consonants, /ㄱ/, /ㄴ/, /ㄷ/, /ㄹ/, /ㅁ/, /ㅂ/, /ㅇ/ were analyzed and their means,
standard deviations, and ranges were recorded. The means of initial consonants /ㄴ/, /ㄹ/, /ㅁ/ were recorded under
500 Hz, /ㄱ/, /ㄲ/, /ㅂ/, /ㅃ/, /ㅇ/, /ㅋ/, /ㅍ/, /ㅎ/ were recorded at 1,000 ~ 2,500 Hz, /ㄷ/, /ㄸ/, /ㅈ/, /ㅉ/, /ㅊ/, /
ㅌ/ were recorded at 4,000 ~ 5,000 Hz, /ㅅ/, /ㅆ/ were recorded at 5,000 ~ 6,000 Hz. The means of middle vowels /
ㅛ/, /ㅝ/, /ㅠ/ were recorded under 1,000 Hz, /ㅑ/, /ㅕ/, /ㅖ/, /ㅗ/, /ㅜ/ were recorded 1,000 ~ 2,500 Hz, /ㅏ/, /ㅐ/,
/ㅓ/, /ㅔ/, /ㅘ/, /ㅙ/, /ㅚ/, /ㅟ/, /ㅡ/, /ㅣ/ were recorded 2,500 ~ 4,000 Hz, showing no means over 4,000 Hz. The
means of 7 and no final consonants /ㄱ/, /ㄴ/, /ㄷ/, /ㄹ/, /ㅁ/, /ㅂ/, /ㅇ/ were recorded at 2,000 ~ 3,000 Hz. The
statistical significance using oneway analysis of variance revealed that the initial consonants’ means were different
according to their middle vowels, the middle vowels’ means were different according to their initial consonants, and
the final consonants’ means were different according to their initial consonants except initial consonants /ㄴ/, /ㄹ/, /
ㅁ/. The initial consonants could be categorized by articulation manner and place. These results can be used
clinically for better audiological assessment and rehabilitation such as speech sound audiogram of English. In the
future, more data should be investigated with female and male talker vocalizations for more systematic and complete
frequency analysis according to initial·middle·final phonemes. |
Key Words:
Korean meaningful monosyllabic words, Initial·middle·final phonemes, Frequency analysis |
한국유의미단음절어, 초· 중· 종성음소,
주파수분석 |