한국어 유의미 단음절의 주파수 분석 연구 |
김진숙1, 이기도2, 지연숙2 |
1한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부 2한림대학교 대학원 청각학전공 |
A Study of the Frequency Analysis of the Korean Meaningful Monosyllabic Words |
Jin-Sook Kim1, Ki-Do Lee2, Yeon-Suk Ji2 |
1Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, College of Natural Sciences, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea 2Graduate Program in Audiology, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
Correspondence |
Jin-Sook Kim ,Tel: (033) 248-2213, Fax: (033) 256-3420, Email:
Received: April 25, 2010; Revised: May 31, 2010 Accepted: June 7, 2010. Published online: June 30, 2010. |
Frequency characteristics of 583 Korean meaningful monosyllabic words were analyzed to improve understanding of speech recognition
ability based on the hearing configuration. Twenty Korean young adults (10 males & 10 females) with normal hearing produced
583 words in context situations. Data were collected by using Computerized Speech Lab (CSL 4300B) and analyzed by using
Praat 4.3.14. The analysis according to vowels and final consonants of the Korean meaningful monosyllabic words showed frequency
differences depending on the initial consonants. Therefore, the words were analyzed based on the initial consonants. The mean frequency
of intial consonants of /ᆨ/ was 1,560.17 Hz, /ᆩ/ was 1,957.07 Hz, /ᆫ/ was 241.09 Hz, /ᆮ/ was 4,154.06 Hz, /ㄸ/ was
4,263.33 Hz, /ᆯ/ was 288.22 Hz, /ᆷ/ was 245.04 Hz, /ᆸ/ was 1,402.02 Hz, /ㅃ/ was 1,409.95 Hz, /ᄉ/ was 4,965.60 Hz, /ᄊ/ was
5,937.91 Hz, /ᄋ/ was 1,406.87 Hz, /ᄌ/ was 4,617.41 Hz, /ᄍ/ was 4,998.60 Hz, /ᄎ/ was 4,584.13 Hz, /ᄏ/ was 1,351.06 Hz, /ᄐ/
was 4,202.87 Hz, /ᄑ/ was 1,363.12 Hz, and /ᄒ/ was 1,407.43 Hz. These results can be used clinically for better audiological assessment
and rehabilitation. However, more data should be investigated systematically for appropriate clinical application in the future. |
Key Words:
Frequency analysis·Frequency characteristic·Korean meaningful monosyllabic words. |
주파수 분석· 주파수 특성· 한국어 유의미 단
음절어. |