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Audiol > Volume 3(1); 2007 > Article
Audiology 2007;3(1): 85-87.
Published online: June 30, 2007.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2007.3.1.85
실이대 다이얼차의 검사-재검사 신뢰도에 관한 연구
방은주1, 조수진2, 조소현2
1광주 미래보청기센터
2대불대학교 간호복지치료학부 언어치료청각학과
A Study on the Test-Retest Reliability of the Real Eat to Dial Difference (REDD)
Eun-Ju Bang1, Soo-Jin Cho2, So-Hyun Cho2
1Gwangju Mirae Hearing Care Center, Gwangju, Korea
2Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Faculty of Nursing, Welfare & Therapy, Daebul University, Yeongam, Korea
Correspondence  Soo-Jin Cho ,Tel: (061) 469-1482, Fax: (061) 469-1317, Email: sj2434@mail.daebul.ac.kr
Received: January 17, 2007;  Accepted: February 24, 2007.  Published online: June 30, 2007.
The purpose of this study was to measure the test-retest reliability of the real ear to dial difference (REDD) in predicting the real ear SPL. Subjects were included 37 adults (74 ears) with normal hearing. The REDD was obtained by sweeping pure tone (70 dBHL) with TDH-50 headphone at 250-6,000 Hz and measuring with the probe microphone in the ear canal. Means of the REDD were approximately 15.6 dB over all frequencies and the largest at 2 kHz with 19.3 dB. The average test-retest difference of REDD was within 1 dB for all frequencies and correlation coefficients were over 0.47 except for 250 Hz. Therefore this study showed that individually measured the REDD could be used in clinical practice to derive a valid estimate of the real ear SPL when it had not been possible to measure directly.
Key Words: Real Ear to Dial Difference (REDD) ·Test-Retest Reliability·Real Ear SPL (RESPL).
중심단어: 실이대다이얼차· 검사-재검사 신뢰도· 실이음압레벨.
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