Real Ear Measurement를 이용한 보청기 적합사례보고 |
신동일 |
펄 청각재활연구소 |
Case Reports of Hearing Aid Fitting with Real Ear Measurement |
Dongil Shin |
Pearl Aural Rehabilitation Research Center, Bucheon, Korea |
Correspondence |
Dongil Shin ,Tel: (032) 326-9938, Fax: (032) 326-8999, Email:
Received: November 5, 2008; Accepted: December 19, 2008. Published online: December 31, 2008. |
Recent advancement in hearing aid technology boosted the performances of digital hearing aids. The hearing aid wearers also had
higher expectation on hearing assistive devices than before. Thus, more elaboration was needed on objective evaluation, selection,
and fitting for the potential benefits of hearing aids. From this context, real ear measurement (REM) became important for accurate
measurement of resonances in ear canal since these resonance properties were characteristic and habituated for individuals. Potential
hearing aid wearers would feel comfortable and natural with the amplified sounds from fittings based on REM. In this article,
exemplary cases of effective hearing aid fittings were reviewed with the application of real rear measurement. |
Key Words:
Real ear measurement·Hearing aid·Hearing loss·Fitting·Aural rehabilitation. |
실이측정· 보청기· 청력손실· 보청기적합· 청각재활. |