40 Hz와 80 Hz의 변조주파수에서 기·골도 청성지속반응역치와
순음청력역치 비교 |
한정1, 조소현2, 조수진2, 구호림3 |
1대불대학교 보건대학원 언어치료청각학과 청각학전공 2대불대학교 간호복지치료학부 언어치료청각학과 3한림대학교 일반대학원 언어청각학 학과간 협동과정 |
A Comparison between AC·BC Auditory Steady-State Response Thresholds and
Pure Tone Thresholds in the Modulation Frequency of 40 Hz and 80 Hz |
Jeong Han1, So-Hyun Cho2, Soo-Jin Cho2, Ho-Rim Gu3 |
1Audiology, Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology of Graduate School of Public Health, Daebul University, Mokpo, Korea 2Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology of Faculty of Nursing, Welfare & Therapy, Daebul University, Mokpo, Korea 3Interdepartmental Program in Speech Pathology and Audiology, Graduate School, Hallym University, Chunchon, Korea |
Received: October 31, 2005; Accepted: November 28, 2005. Published online: December 31, 2005. |
Objective:BC ASSR is hardly used, but it is appropriately used infants and children who have disorder with external or internal ear
made the use of each wave of BC ASSR. So this study have showed not only frequency modulation of 80 Hz but also frequency
modulation of 40 Hz which is not researched occasionally. Moreover, I have studied groups which are suffer from hearing, divided
them used measurement between the sensory neural hearing loss and the conductive hearing loss, evaluated AC ASSR and BC
ASSR and compared the number of PTA. Methods:The subjects consisted of normal adults (using 10 right ears), sensory-neural
hearing loss (SNHL using 10 right ears), conductive hearing loss (joined 6 right ears). PTA is GSI (Grason- stacller Inc.) 61
Audiometer, and ASSRs is AUDERA system using mixed modulation which is consists of frequency modulation. Results:Results
were as follows. First, a comparison with AC ASSR and AC PTA, measuring AC ASSR-AC PTA in 80 Hz is smaller number than
in 40 Hz. Furthermore, the number of AC ASSR-AC PTA has high numerical value in normal group, the sensory neural hearing
impaired is the second, the conductive hearing loss is the third. Secondly, Comparing BC ASSR-BC PTA, BC ASSR-BC PTA in
80 Hz is smaller than BC ASSR-BC PTA in 40 Hz, when measuring numeral value. The numeral value is much more smaller as the
condition differs. Finally, The average of ASSR ABG-PTA ABG is much more smaller than the 40 Hz and 80 Hz. It couldn’t be
matter of distinction. Conclusions:We should standardize ASSRs and PTA. and discover lots of evidence which support those
experiments. Infants and Children have to be taken airway examination to check their external ear-disorder and internal eardisorder,
as well. It is rare cases that we take a density of marrow examination in each frequency to support various studies. |
Key Words:
ASSR·Hearing thresholdz·Modulation frequency. |
ASSR· 청각역치· 변조주파수. |