어지럼증을 주소로 내원한 아동의 청각학적 평가 |
이미숙1, 서용규1, 김향초2 |
1가야대학교 언어치료청각학과 2제생병원 이비인후과 |
Audiologic Evaluation of Children with Dizziness |
Misook Lee1, Yonggyu Seo1, Hyangcho Kim2 |
1Speech language Pathology & Audiology, Kaya Universoity, Kimhae, Korea 2Department of Otolaryngolgoy, Jesaeng Hospital, Seongnam, Korea |
Correspondence |
Misook Lee ,Tel: (019) 671-3589, Fax: (055) 330-1038, Email: zzangms@hanmail.net
Received: June 30, 2007; Accepted: August 27, 2007. Published online: December 31, 2007. |
In this study, retrospective studies were conducted for the total of 16 children who visited the clinic for major symptoms of dizziness.
The main purpose of this analysis was to examine typical patterns in subject population and possible linkage between dizziness and
auditory functions. Results showed that children with dizziness had diverse causes of symptoms and demonstrated no significant
relatedness with hearing loss. However, subjects reported frequent signs of tinnitus and Meniere disease. Therefore, in addition to
vestibular function tests, other batteries of audiological evaluation should be required to identify the proper causes. |
Key Words:
Dizziness·Audiologic evaluation·Hearing loss. |
소아어지럼증· 청력검사· 청력손실. |