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Audiol > Volume 3(2); 2007 > Article
Audiology 2007;3(2): 122-130.
Published online: December 31, 2007.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2007.3.2.122
육성과 녹음 제시에 따른 난청성인의 단음절어 심리음향기능곡선
백혜정1, 이정학2
1한림대학교 보건대학원 재활학과
2한림국제대학원대학교 청각학과
Psychometric Functions of the One-Syllable Word Recognition with Monitored Live Voice versus Recorded Presentation for Hearing Impaired Adults
Hye Jeong Baek1, Junghak Lee2
1Department of Rehabilitative Science, Graduate School of Health Science, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
2Department of Audiology, Hallym Institute of Advanced International Studies, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Junghak Lee ,Tel: (02) 2051-4950, Fax: (02) 3453-6618, Email: leejh@hallym.ac.kr
Received: June 12, 2007;  Accepted: August 5, 2007.  Published online: December 31, 2007.
The purpose of this research was to investigate psychometric functions with monitored live voice and taped presentation of one syllable words for hearing impaired adults. The psychometric functions were also examined with respect to the degree of hearing loss. The data were obtained from 20 ears of hearing impaired adults aged between 37 and 88 (M=70.2 years). Their hearing thresholds ranged from 40 dB HL to 90 dB HL (M=62.3 dB HL). The newly developed Korean word list, which was consisted of 50 one-syllable words, was presented from 0 dB SL upto 40 dB SL or UCL with 10 dB. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference of word recognition scores between MLV and CD data (F(1,3)=1.235, p>0.05). However, meaningful differences were identified between the groups with lower versus higher hearing sensitivity (F(1,3)=26.215, p<0.05) without a significant interaction effect regarding the stimulus presentation level. In conclusion, this research suggests that one-syllable words may be presented either in MLV or in CD to hearing impaired adults for the word recognition test. However, more data based on the standardized test procedures are needed before the clinical utilization.
Key Words: Psychometric function·Speech recognition test·Monitored live voice (MLV).
중심단어: 심리음향기능곡선· 단음절어· 어음재인도· 육성(MLV).
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