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Audiol > Volume 4(1); 2008 > Article
Audiology 2008;4(1): 1-4.
Published online: June 30, 2008.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2008.4.1.1
Aurical Visible Speech(AVS)를 활용한 보청기 청각재활
지엔리사운드 코리아
Aurical Visible Speech(AVS) Technology in Hearing Aid Fitting
Dong-Geun Han
GN ReSound Korea, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Dong-Geun Han ,Tel: (02) 541-9222, Fax: (02) 541-9220, Email: frog-f@hanmail.net
Received: January 5, 2008;  Accepted: March 24, 2008.  Published online: June 30, 2008.
Customer satisfaction for hearing aid, by definition, implies that customers are satisfied with full procedures for selecting hearing aids and wearing hearing aids. Therefore, they may have proper expectation and should easily participate in the process of auditory rehabilitation with hearing aids. In practice, however, it has been hard to get these goals from daily counselling and current onsite evaluation schemes. In this context, AVSTM system introduced by GN Otometrics was reviewed and this may be a good complementary tool for counselling, evaluation and fitting procedures. The AVSTM system consisted of three main functional parts. First, Hearing Loss Simulation (HLS) was a good method to simulate hearing loss to family or relatives of customers. This also demonstrated a visual effects to customers and their family for explanation. Second, Hearing Instrument Simulation (HIS) was a helpful tool to decide how to select hearing aids and when to wear binaural hearing aids. Third, Speech Mapping (SM) module was available for verifying hearing aid fitting and this module was based on Real Ear Measurement. Audiologists could verify the stats of current fitting and, if necessary, perform re-counselling. In summary, AVSTM system appeared to be a helpful tool for professional audiologists to give satisfaction to their customers.
Key Words: Hearing aid·AVS·Hearing consulting·Hearing evaluation·Hearing aid fitting.
중심단어: 보청기· AVS· 청능재활상담· 청능재활평가· 보청기 적합.
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