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Audiol > Volume 5(1); 2009 > Article
Audiology 2009;5(1): 75-79.
Published online: December 31, 2009.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2009.5.1.75
AMA Pure-Tone Audiometer의 신뢰도 및 효용성 연구
이길재1, 홍하나2, 박태규2, 박서진2, 홍빛나2
1남부대학교 산업정책 대학원
2남부대학교 언어치료청각학과
The Study on the Validation of AMA Pure-Tone Audiometer
Gil Jae Lee1, Ha Na Hong2, Tae Gyu Park2, Seo Jin Park2, Bin Na Hong2
1Audiology Graduate School of Industrial Policy Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea
2Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea
Correspondence  Bin Na Hong ,Tel: (062) 970 -0213, Fax: (0303) 0300-0030, Email: bnhong@nambu.ac.kr
Received: November 6, 2009;  Accepted: November 28, 2009.  Published online: December 31, 2009.
As the number of the people who are hard of hearing has been increased because of lots of noise and being the aged society, the subjects of a hearing test have been increasing rapidly. In recent year, AMA Pure-Tone Audiometer (AMA-PTA), which enables regular computers to make a close hearing test, has been developed in the Korea to examine an easy and rapid hearing test for not only average people but also the early senile patients who are hard of hearing almost 10 percent of the whole population. The purpose of this study is to estimate a usefulness of AMA Audiometer for normal hearing and hearing loss in clinical field. The procedure of this research is to perform air and bone conduction for 30 normal people as the subject of this study each once, using GSI 61 Audiometers and AMA-PTA to estimate the trustworthiness of AMA-PTA. In conclusion, it has been estimated that AMA-PTA which has been developed in the Korea is a more effective tester that has the reduction of the test time, the solution of a limited space, the advantage of easy equipment when it is compared with the existing ones. However, it leads to the inaccurate output in high frequency. Especially, at the bone conduction it was conducted to patients uncomfortably with the incorrect sound.
Key Words: AMA pure-tone audiometer·GSI 61 audiometers·Validation·Air conduction·Bone conduction.
중심단어: AMA 순음청력검사기· GSI 61 청력검사기· 신뢰도· 공기전도 순음청력검사· 골도전도 순음청력검사.
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