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Audiol > Volume 6(2); 2010 > Article
Audiology 2010;6(2): 128-136.
Published online: December 31, 2010.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2010.6.2.128
청각장애평가지수(KESHH)의 표준화 연구
구호림1, 김진숙2
2한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부, 청각언어연구소
The Study for Standardization of the Korean Evaluation Scale for Hearing Handicap
Ho-Lim Ku1, Jin-Sook Kim2
1Seoul Hearing Center, Seoul, Korea
2Division of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Audiology & Speech Pathology Research Institute, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
Correspondence  Jin-Sook Kim ,Tel: (033) 248-2213, Fax: (033) 256-3420, Email: jskim@hallym.ac.kr
Received: October 2, 2010; Revised: November 20, 2010   Accepted: December 10, 2010.  Published online: December 31, 2010.
For further understanding of the hearing impaired and facilitating hearing rehabilitation in Korea, Korean Evaluation Scale for Hearing Handicap (KESHH) was developed to analyze the social and psychological effects of the hearing impairment. The KESHH was developed with 24 items and 4 subscales including 6 items on each subscale and the KESHH was divided into type-1 and 2 depending on hearing aid users and non hearing aid users. However, the scale had to be standardized for the clinical use and the purpose of this study was to standardize the KESHH. Data were collected from total 288 participants, 176 hearing aid users (male: 115, female: 61, average age: 60.15 years old) and 112 non-hearing aid users (male: 52, female: 60, average age: 78.79 years old). For standardization, two methods were used for analysis. One, as utilizing statistical average and standard deviation (SD) number, the degree of the hearing handicap was categorized. The distribution of the score were 24.00-52.00 (15.6%) for being ‘mild’ handicap lower than -2 SD, 52.01-70.05 (34.7%) for being ‘moderate’ handicap between -2 SD and -1 SD, 70.06-88.01 (34.7%) for being ‘moderately severe’ handicap between -1 SD and +1 SD, 88.02-120 (14.9%) for being ‘severe’ handicap higher than +2 SD. The other, as utilizing percentile, the categories were divided into 5 classes depending on the degree of the handicap. Category 1 was set to be up to 20 percentile with the scores being 54.10, category 2 to be up to 40 percentile with the scores being 65.57, category 3 to up to be 60 percentile with the scores being 76.33, category 4 to be up to 80 percentile with the scores being 85.23, and finally category 5 was set up over the 80 percentile. The latter was selected based on the preceding studies and the equal distribution of the scores. For clinical use, only integral scores were selected for the standardization. Finally, the scores of the KESHH were divided into 5 categories depending on the degree of the handicap. Category 1 was corresponded to 24-54 points; category 2, 55-66; category 3, 67-76; category 4, 77-85; and category 5, 86-120, indicating higher points representing higher handicapping score based on the percentile. It is thought that the suggested standardization of KESHH is clinically useful for identifying the degrees of the hearing handicaps depending on raw scores.
Key Words: Hearing handicap·Korean evaluation scale for hearing handicap (KESHH)·Standardization.
중심단어: 청각장애지수· 표준화· 한국형 청각장애평가지수.
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