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Audiol > Volume 8(2); 2012 > Article
Audiology 2012;8(2): 249-251.
Published online: December 31, 2012.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2012.8.2.249
주파수이동기능 보청기 적합이 고주파수 영역 청력손실자의 한국어 단어인지도에 미치는 영향에 대한 사례
주현민1, 김형재1, 임덕환2,3
1스타키보청기 분당난청센터
2한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부
The Effects of Frequency Lowering Function Hearing Aids on Korean Word Recognition Scores in the High Frequency Hearing Impaired
Hyeonmin Ju1, Hyoungjae Kim1, Dukhwan Lim2,3
1Starkey Bundang Hearing Care Center, Seongnam, Korea
2Division of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
3Research Institute of Audiology & Speech Pathology, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
Correspondence  Hyeonmin Ju ,Tel: (031) 719-8119, Fax: (031) 719-8058, Email: juhyeonmin@naver.com
Received: November 3, 2012; Revised: December 5, 2012   Accepted: December 11, 2012.  Published online: December 31, 2012.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the initial outcomes of digital hearing aids with the new frequency lowering function (Spectral iQ, Starkey Laboratories). The performances were based on the pure tone thresholds and Korean word recognition scores for three elderly subjects (> 65 years of age) with high frequency hearing loss. The subjects were wearing hearing aids with Spectral iQ function for more than six months. In this case study, pure tone thresholds (PTA) and word recognition scores (WRS) were measured in three conditions: unaided, aided with Spectral iQ OFF, and aided with Spectral iQ ON. Results showed that both PTAs and WRSs were improved with Spectral iQ function in all three cases. In this preliminary step, frequency lowering function (Spectral iQ) appeared to be effective to some extent for those suffering from high frequency hearing loss.
Key Words: Frequency lowering hearing aid, Spectral iQ, High frequency hearing loss
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