2차 이식연령이 순차적 양이 인공와우 이식 아동의
소음 하 단어인지도에 미치는 영향 |
김지민1,2, 이재희1, 전영명2 |
1한림국제대학원대학교 청각학과 2소리귀클리닉 |
Effects of Age at 2nd Implantation on Word-In-Noise
Recognition for Children with Sequential Bilateral
Cochlear Implantation |
Ji-Min Kim1,2, Jae Hee Lee1, Young-Myoung Chun2 |
1Department of Audiology, Hallym University of Graduate Studies, Seoul 2Soree Ear Clinic, Seoul, Korea |
Received: June 27, 2014; Revised: July 15, 2014 Accepted: July 17, 2014. Published online: July 31, 2014. |
The purpose of this study was to identify whether children with sequential bilateral cochlear implants (CIs) could
receive additional benefit from the 2nd CI for the word-in-noise recognition, and the benefit from 2nd CI would be
affected by age at 2nd implantation during 1-year use of the 2nd implant device. Eighteen children who received
sequential bilateral CIs participated in this study. Among 18 participants, 9 children received the 2nd implantation
before 8 years of age (earlier implanted) and the others had the 2nd implantation after 8 years of age (later
implanted). Since this study aimed to explore whether earlier 2nd implantation improves effectiveness to use bilateral
CIs in terms of word-in-noise recognition when compared to later 2nd implantation, the amount of additional
perceptual benefit provided by 2nd CI was calculated as the difference in performance between the 1st CI and the
bilateral CIs. The benefit was evaluated in four listening conditions (in quiet, 10, 0, and -10 dB signal-to-noise
ratios). Results showed that overall, earlier implanted children had a greater amount of benefit from 2nd implantation
compared to later implanted children, at least for word-in-noise recognition. Only for earlier implanted children, the
benefit from 2nd implant continued to grow up over 12-month use of bilateral implants. The benefit from 2nd
implant was greater for 0 dB SNR condition compared to in quiet or –10 dB SNR conditions. In conclusion,
although all participants were good performers (> 60%) with 1st CI alone, the 2nd implant provided additional
perceptual benefit to word recognition in challenging listening conditions such as in the presence of background
noise. Among various factors, age at 2nd implantation was a significant preoperative factor to predict the benefit
from the use of sequential bilateral implants. |
Key Words:
Sequential bilateral cochlear implants |
순차적 양이 인공와우 |