애착육아와 청각언어인지 재활 |
유희순1, 김진숙1,2 |
1한림대학교 일반대학원 언어병리청각학과 2한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부·청각언어연구소 |
Attachment Parenting and Auditory, Language and Cognitive Rehabilitation |
Heesoon Yoo1, Jinsook Kim1,2 |
1Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Graduate School, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea 2Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, College of Natural Sciences, Research Institute of Audiology and Speech Pathology, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
Correspondence |
Jinsook Kim ,Tel: +82-33-248-2213 , Fax: +82-33-256-3240 , Email: jskim@hallym.ac.kr
Received: December 8, 2017; Revised: January 15, 2018 Accepted: January 23, 2018. Published online: January 31, 2018. |
This study was aimed to review the history and definition of attachment parenting and to identify the types and merits of it and attachment plays based on attachment parenting. The early rehabilitation is essential to infants and toddlers with a congenital hearing loss for auditory and language development. Attachment parenting refers to close ties between parent and child based on skinship and emotional exchange. There are four different types of attachment: secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant, and insecure-disorganized. Among them, secure attachment is the optimal type through which an infant could learn to trust mother and maintain emotional stability even when the mother was absent. In Korea, the use ondol and podaegi, which can create attachment naturally had been used traditionally. Further Dandongsibhoon, a traditional play, is in accordance with the definition of attachment parenting. Therefore, Korean method of child rearing is proper for attachment parenting. It was known that attachment parenting enhanced self-esteem, increased independence, promoted social skills, and facilitated brain and language development, so that it could be used as a method of rehabilitation related to the development of auditory, language, and cognitive abilities. Recently developed the Korean Aural Rehabilitation for Infants integrated many attachment parenting means and sought to raise the efficacy of early rehabilitation. Conclusively, we hope that early rehabilitation applying attachment parenting services in Korea could be expanded so that even infants and toddlers with congenital hearing loss would grow up without having to go through many hearing-impairment problems. |
Key Words:
Attachment parenting, Emotional exchange, Traditional parenting, Korean Aural Rehabilitation for Infants. |