담화 산출 조건에 따른 학령기 청각장애 아동과 건청
아동의 이야기 구문 특성 |
박혜진 |
한림대학교 일반대학원 언어병리청각학과 |
Syntactic Characteristics in Narratives of Children With and
Without Hearing Loss on Two Narrative Production Conditions |
Hyejin Park |
Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Graduate School, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea |
Correspondence |
Hyejin Park ,Tel: (033) 248-3310, Fax: (033) 256-3420, Email: hpark@hallym.ac.kr
Received: June 5, 2015; Revised: June 30, 2015 Accepted: July 10, 2015. Published online: July 31, 2015. |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the narrative production condition and topics in
children with and without hearing loss. The participants were 9 children using hearing aids or cochlear implant who
had been educated in the mainstreamed setting, and 9 children having normal hearing ranged between 9 and 11
years of age. All participants scored above –1 SD on the standardized language test and narrative comprehension
assessment. Narrative data was collected on the two conditions; story retelling and story generation. Each condition
had two topics, which were different in terms of the familiarity to children. Collected data were analyzed in the
number of T-unit, Mean Length of T-unit in morphemes (MLTm), Subordinate Index (SI), the type of independent
clause, and grammatical error. The results showed that there was no difference between groups on the syntactic
characteristics, but their performances were different according to the narrative production conditions, story modeled
to children, and the topics. The hearing loss group was more sensitive to the condition for the data collection. It
suggests that the narrative condition, model story, and topics should be considered when collecting narrative data as
well as analyze and interprete the data, especially for the hearing impaired group. |
Key Words:
Grammatical error, Hearing loss, School-aged, Narrative, Story retelling, Story generation, MLTm,
Subordinate index |
구문복잡도, 문법 형태소, 이야기 생성,
이야기 회상, 청각장애, 평균 문장 길이 |