성심농아재활원생들의 청력 실태 조사연구 |
이승완1, 신진배1, 박경연1, 윤지은1, 김진숙1,2 |
1한림대학교 일반대학원 언어병리청각학과 2한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부·청각언어연구소 |
A Study of Hearing Status in Children at Sungsim Deaf Rehabilitation Center |
Seungwan Lee1, Jinbea Shin1, Kyeongyeon Park1, Jieun Yoon1, Jinsook Kim1,2 |
1Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Graduate School, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea 2Division of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Research Institute of Audiology and Speech Pathology, College of Natural Science, Hallym University, |
Correspondence |
Jinsook Kim ,Tel: +82-33-248-2213, Fax: +82-33-256-3240, Email: jskim@hallym.ac.kr
Received: July 7, 2017; Revised: July 12, 2017 Accepted: July 14, 2017. Published online: July 31, 2017. |
Purpose: The purpose of was to assess the hearing impairment status, investigate the situation of aural rehabilitation service, and improve the communicational environment of Sungsim Deaf Rehabilitation Center.
Method: The total members who participated were 58 (mean age: 14.72, age range: 7-36), with 35 males and 23 females. Out of 58 members, only 52 were fitted with hearing devices and 13 had multiple disabilities. Otoscopic examination, pure tone audiometry (PTA), tympanometry, functional gain test, and International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA) were performed. Speech recognition threshold (SRT) and word recognition score (WRS) were measured in the sound field with operating hearing devices.
Results: Both of otoscopic examination and tympanometry showed normal at 105 ears (91%). PTA for air conduction thresholds were 109.81 and 110.34 dB HL at right and left ears. Functional gain values were 52.14 dB in a total average of 52 members. According to type of hearing devices, 72.16 dB for cochlear implanted unilaterally (19), 69.03 dB for cochlear implanted bilaterally (3), 61.68 dB for bimodal fitting (6), 32.73 dB for hearing aided unilaterally (6) 32.04 dB for hearing aided bilaterally (18) were revealed in order. The SRT and WRS were 52.41 dB HL and 35%. IOI-HA scores of each item was 3.81
in average showing good satisfaction level of the hearing devices.
Conclusion: Conclusively, the fitting status of hearing devices was not sufficient to understand speech sound although their external and middle ears were in good condition. Improving and refitting their hearing devices were recommended and periodical monitoring of hearing and hearing devices were thought to be necessary. |
Key Words:
Sungsim Deaf Rehabilitation Center, Hearing impairment status, Hearing devices,
International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids |