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Audiol > Volume 1(1); 2005 > Article
Audiology 2005;1(1): 80-84.
Published online: December 31, 2005.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/audiol.2005.1.1.80
방향송화기가 어음인지능력에 미치는 영향
심상익1, 이정학2
1한림대학교 사회복지대학원 재활학과 청각학전공
2한림대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실
Directional Microphone Effects on Speech Intelligibility
Sang-Ik Sim1, Jung-Hak Lee2
1Department of Rehabilitation, Graduate School of Social Welfare, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
2Department of Otolaryngology, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea
Correspondence  Jung-Hak Lee ,Tel: (031) 380-3792, Fax: (031) 380-3794, Email: leejh@hallym.ac.kr
Received: October 4, 2005;  Accepted: November 9, 2005.  Published online: December 31, 2005.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of directional microphone in view of the speech intelligibility and preference of hearing aids wearers. Especially, this experiment focused on the difference between the omni and adaptive directional modes in noisy situation. Subjects consisted of 10 adults with moderately-severe sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. All subjects were bilaterally fitted with behind-the-ear hearing aids. The Korean speech perception in noise (KSPIN) tests were performed for two directional modes at each SNR of 0 dB and +5 dB to measure the speech intelligibility. The babble noise was placed in the back of patients (180℃) and the signal source was placed in front of patients (0℃). Results showed that the speech intelligibility with the adaptive mode was higher than that with the omni mode in both 0 dB and 5 dB SNR conditions. The difference was greater at the condition of 5 dB SNR and the adaptive mode improved about 5 dB SNR in noisy situation when the noise was placed at the azymuth of 180℃, Most subjects also preferred the adaptive mode to the omni mode. It is suggested that the adaptive directional microphone can improve the speech intelligibility in noisy situation. These information may be utilized with caution when counseling the hearing aid selection.
Key Words: Directional microphone·Speech intelligibility·KSPIN.
중심단어: 방향성 마이크· 언어변별· KSPIN.
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