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Audiology and Speech Research > Volume 12(Suppl 1); 2016 > Article
Audiology and Speech Research 2016;12(0): S38-S40.
Published online: March 31, 2016.
doi: http://doi.org/10.21848/asr.2016.12.S1.S38
이명재훈련치료 프로토콜
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 서울성모병원 이비인후과학교실
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy Protocol
Shi Nae Park
Department of Otolaryngology-HNS, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Shi Nae Park ,Tel: +82-2-2258-6215, Fax: +82-2-2258-1354, Email: snparkmd@catholic.ac.kr
Received: February 2, 2016;  Accepted: March 10, 2016.  Published online: March 31, 2016.
A world-widely renowned therapeutic modality of tinnitus, tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) consists of two components; directive counseling and sound therapy. Directive counseling is known as a determining factor for the successful result of TRT, which needs clinician’s deep understanding of clinical and audiological characteristics of each patient with proper explanation of the theoretical backgrounds of habituation of reaction and perception. Sound therapy using environmental sound, sound generator or hearing aids depending on the patient’s category also plays an important role in facilitating habituation process. Prominent tinnitus-related neuronal signal could be less stressful to the patients due to decrease in contrast of background sound and tinnitus. Convincing directive counseling combined with best sound therapy during the process of TRT will lead a successful therapeutic result. Practical protocol of TRT based on a 15 year experience in a special clinic of tinnitus will be introduced. Considering factors of TRT will also be discussed with a brief review of literature.
Key Words: Tinnitus retraining therapy, Protocol, Directive counseling, Sound therapy.
중심단어: 이명재훈련치료· 프로토콜· 지시적 상담· 소리 치료.
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